Today’s marketing is all about leaving a lasting impression on consumers by tapping into their sensory perceptions. Consumers have high expectations these days. To get their attention, you have to step outside the box and get a little unconventional.

Of course, that seems simple on paper, but implementing solid experiential marketing events takes a ton of talent, creativity and bravery. After all, the biggest, boldest campaigns have entire teams of experts behind the scenes — making phone calls, securing permits and getting weird with brand messaging in ways audiences won’t forget.

The Revel Global Events Difference

Fortunately for you, we’re your team. We’re Revel Global Events, the people who turn interesting ideas into fully executed festivities.

Do you have an idea, but don’t know where to start? Leave the details to us! Are you convinced you need to make a splash, but your creativity is running a little dry? Let our experiential marketing agency run with our own ideas!

You see, we’re your partners. We want your marketing campaign to succeed, and if it means we get to be a little crazy in the interim, we invite the challenge! We have a habit of saying yes. There’s no project too big or too small, and the more you stretch our imaginations, the more people will remember your product. That’s just how we do business.

Our Experiential Marketing Services

We’re a full-service experiential marketing company, offering services from the inception of an idea to the big finale, and we handle everything in between. There’s no job too big and no detail too tiny. We want your marketing campaign to succeed. If it means we get to face some crazy challenges on the way, we say bring it on! This is a new world of marketing, and Revel Global Events is in the driver’s seat!

Here’s what we offer:

  • Concept and Strategy: If you have an idea, we’ll make it come to fruition. If you have no idea what you want to do, we’ll take care of that, too. We’ll handle the who, what, when, where and why on your behalf — executing everything to perfection!
  • Product Launches: You only get one chance to make a first impression. By employing the assistance of our product-launching pros, you can rest assured people will remember your brand.
  • Mobile Marketing: Magic happens when mobile marketing comes into the mix. Imagine seeing your logo roll up onto a busy street with excited onlookers standing by, ready to learn more about who you are and why you’re awesome. We do that!
  • Pop-Up Shops: Watch social media take your brand by storm when you suddenly appear in a highly populated area with products for the masses. A pop-up shop and a well-planned hashtag can do amazing things for your marketing efforts.
  • Sponsorship Activations: Press releases have nothing on sponsorship activities. If your company’s doing good work for a good cause, you deserve to be recognized publicly.
  • Celebrity Engagement: Get people talking by featuring a hometown athlete or favorite superstar. We’ve got the contacts and will to make major things happen.
  • Press Events: You did something big; now, it’s time to get the press involved. We’ll arrange the venue and pull off one awesome event.
  • Award Shows: Bright lights and big presentations are all in a day’s work for the Revel Global Events team.

Ready to get started making a splash with your consumers? Revel Global Events is the experiential marketing company that gets people talking. Reach out to us today, so we can get our creative juices going!

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EventMarketer Top 100 Agencies 2016